Professor Graeme Martin


Business Office, School of Business

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+44 (0)1382 385848


Graeme Martin is Professor Management and (until January 2022) Associate Dean Research in the School of Business at the University of Dundee. He has held professorial appointments at the Adam Smith Business School, University of Glasgow and Edinburgh Business School, Heriot Watt University, as well as being founding Director of the Dundee Business School at Abertay University. Graeme has also held visiting international professorial appointments at Macquarie University and UTS in Australia, Ca Foscari University of Venice in Italy, Peking University in China, the University of Colorado in the USA, and most recently, the Centre for Global HRM at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden, where he currently chairs its Scientific Board. He is also an Academic Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD).

Following an early career in personnel and industrial relations management in the engineering and construction industry in the UK and overseas, Graeme has undertaken consulting and research projects for a large number of private and public sector organizations in the UK, continental Europe and Australia in the past forty years. These include major companies in the UK, Sweden, Australia, the NHS in Scotland, the UK Public Sector People Managers Association, the CIPD, the Health and Education Training Institute of New South Wales, and numerous SMEs in the Tayside region and beyond.

In 2019, Graeme was appointed by the Cabinet Secretary for Health as a non-executive Board Member to NHS Tayside to act in a governance role and advise on strategy, leadership and change. In 2021 he was appointed as Vice Chair of NHS Tayside.

Currently, he is working with the senior HR team of a Swedish-based multinational organization, the HR and clinical directorates of NHS Tayside, and Somerset Integrated Care System on potential impact cases.


He has published extensively in the fields of HRM, management and leadership and change management in international journals, including articles in Organization Studies, Social Science and Medicine, Sociology of Health and Illness, the Human Resource Management Journal and the International Journal of Human Resource Management. These publications also include eight single/ co-authored/edited books on HR, corporate reputations, e-HR and social media, and management and leadership, chapters in leading HR research-based texts, and research reports for organisations including the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), Scottish Enterprise, Skills for Health (the UK sector skills council), the European Union, the Health Department of the Scottish Government, the ESRC/Scottish Government, the British Medical Association.

Graeme was Editor in Chief of the Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance, an interdisciplinary management and HR journal between 2018-2021 and currently serves on its editorial board.

He is currently focusing on healthcare-related research having recently secured research-related income from NHS Tayside to research into the links between HR innovation and high performance in healthcare systems and from Somerset Integrated Care System to undertake evaluation research into an NHS Innovation-sponsored pilot project to improve health and well-being of staff across the care system. He is also part of a large- scale international research project to develop and roll out treatment for Hepatitis C across a number of hospitals in Ethiopia, advising on the change management aspects of the programme.

Research themes

Health, welfare and education

Entrepreneurship, innovation and creativity

Markets and governance

View full research profile and publications


Graeme is responsible for developing the forthcoming Doctorate in Business Administration, which is due to begin in September 2022. He also contributes teaching on doctoral programmes in the School and currently supervises PhD students.

Media availability

I am available for media commentary on my research.

Professor Martin’s research focuses on strategic and culture change, human resource management and healthcare management. He has published extensively in leading international management journals, authored and co-authored eight books on management, corporate reputations and human resource management, numerous book chapters and influential reports. He also has significant experience of managing and consulting in the UK and overseas.

Contact Corporate Communications for media enquiries.

Areas of expertise

  • Healthcare workforce management
  • Human resource management
  • Management/leadership
