Royal London (defined contribution) Pension Scheme

Information about the Royal London (defined contribution) Pension Scheme

On this page

Royal London is a defined contribution pension scheme for clerical, technical, manual, and support staff.

See our other pensions

The University of Dundee Royal London Pension Scheme is a Defined Contribution pension scheme, which is a qualifying scheme as per automatic enrolment legislation, which means it meets or more than meets the government's minimum standards. The Scheme is open to support staff of the University and University Nursery staff.

The default entry contribution rates in the Royal London DC arrangement will be 5% of Pensionable Salary for members and 10% of Pensionable Salary from the University but members can choose to pay higher or lower contributions if they wish as illustrated in the table below. 

All contributions as % of Pensionable Salary Your contribution University contribution Total paid into your DC pension pot
Minimum level 2% 10% 12%
  3% 10% 13%
  4% 10% 14%
Entry level 5% 10% 15%
  6% 11% 17%
  7% 12% 19%
  8% 13% 21%


If you wish to amend your contribution rate as per table above, please email confirming the contribution rate you wish to pay and the effective date.  Please also confirm your N.I. number.  

Please do not email if you are happy with the default entry level of 5% as this will automatically apply on entry

Help and support

For more information, help or support with your pension, see the Royal London website.

If you'd like information on how the University administers your pension, contact the Pensions Office.