Values: Self, Society and the Professions module (ID11001)

Learn about the concepts of values and social justice, and how they are central to the professions of education, social work, and community education

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This module introduces you to the experience of working across the professions of Education, Social Work, and Community Education. It explores the concepts of values and social justice, and how these concepts are central to the professional practice of these disciplines.

What you will learn

In this module, you will:

  • explore the values underpinning these professions
  • come to understand the nature of social justice and your responsibility in ensuring this is integral to practice
  • learn how professions have and continue to evolve in relation to philosophical, sociological, and political perspectives, which will include the topics of:
    • the impact of poverty on communities
    • race and racism
    • gender and sexuality
    • ableism
    • monsterisation
  • assess the factors impacting on and influencing one's own personal values and how these relate to professional values
  • think critically and engage in critical enquiry

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • understand the values which underpin the professions
  • critically understand the underpinning values of the policies and practices of your chosen profession as well as the roles and responsibilities of other professionals
  • reflect critically and draw on relevant principles, perspectives, and theories to inform your understanding of the main themes of the module
  • analyse theories of social justice and the role that the professions have in ensuring that these concepts are central developing their professional identity
  • think critically about social, philosophical, and political aspects of society and the tensions and dilemmas these create for the professions
  • work collaboratively within and across the professions of Education, Social Work, and Community Education

Assignments / assessment

  • Essay 2,000 words (100%)
    • given in week 1
    • expected in week 12
    • 10 hours of effort expected

For this essay, you will be expected to reflect on the different ways values impact on society and practice in your chosen profession. You will reflect on the interplay between personal, professional and societal values, and their impact on our approach to addressing an issue relating to social justice.

This module does not have a final exam.

Teaching methods / timetable

The module will be delivered through a combination of lectures, tutorials, workshops and online learning:

Typically, the programme of sessions looks like this:

Week Topic

Understanding ourselves 1: who are we?

Discipline Seminar (1)

2 Understanding ourselves 2: Philosophy and values
2 Understanding ourselves 3: race and racism

Understanding ourselves 4: the personal is political.

Discipline Seminar (2)

4 Introduction to the Library and Learning Centre
4 Introduction to literature searching
5 Understanding society 1: diverse experiences, diverse perspectives

Understanding society 2: socio-political perspectives

Discipline Seminar (3)


Understanding society 3: how does this affect our practice?

Referencing in assignments


Understanding social justice 1: social injustice and structural inequalities

Discipline Seminar (4)

Structuring Arguments

9 Understanding social justice 2: social justice -a shifting and complex concept

Understanding social justice 3 - social justice and professional policy

Discipline Seminar (5)

Trouble Shooting / Assignment Support

11 Understanding social justice 4 - Embedding social justice in practice: can social justice be ‘achieved’?

This module is open to other first year university students as an elective subject. If you do choose this module as an elective then you have to make a choice whether you wish to follow the Education, Social Work, or Community Education cohorts. This will mean that you then attend the discipline specific seminar sessions for your chosen discipline and that you would respond to the assessment task from your chosen profession's perspective.


This module is available on following courses: