Working Together module (ID10001)

Exploring the importance of collaboration and working together in practice (in Social Work, Teaching, and Community Education) in striving for social change

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All our practice is shaped by a commitment to social justice, and we are increasingly called upon to work with other professionals to this end. In this module, you will develop your knowledge and understanding of theories of collaboration, reflection and group work, in the context of ethical professional practice.

This module will help you understand how to work towards a more socially just society through collaboration and exploring theories, approaches, dilemmas and challenges. You will debate professional perspectives and explore ethical responsibilities. This will involve you in a process of co-investigation with a group of your peers from other programmes, exploring joint action, enquiry and action-learning.

What you will learn

In this module you will:

  • develop a broad knowledge and understanding of relevant theories of collaboration
  • recognise the role of ethical professional practice in working in collaboration towards a more socially just society
  • begin to develop expertise in inclusive collaborative practice

By the end of this module you will be able to:

  • demonstrate knowledge and understanding of theoretical perspectives on collaborative practice
  • detail your understanding of shared ethical responsibility of working towards a more socially just society
  • identify and evaluate examples of collaborative practice that achieves a more socially just society
  • work with peers towards inclusive collaborative practice

Assignments / assessment

  • group presentation - 50%
    • you will work together in your peer learning groups to analyse the collaborative practice of the agency you are matched with
  • individual poster (750 words) - 50%
    • set in week 1
    • due in week 12
    • 10 hours of effort expected

This module does not have a final exam.

Teaching methods / timetable

  • ectures (two 1 hour sessions weekly for one semester)
  • workshops (one 1 hour weekly peer learning group for one semester)
  • online blog

Typically, the programme of sessions looks like this:

Week Lecture Topic
1 Monday

Introduction to module


1 Thursday What do we mean by working together ?
2 Monday

Why work together?


2 Thursday Theories of Reflection 1
3 Monday Interpersonal skills, attributes and building relationships
3 Thursday Key themes in partnership working
4 Monday Communities of Practice
4 Thursday Theories of Reflection 2
5 Monday Assignment Briefing
5 Thursday Professional cultures and stereotypes
6 Monday Partnership working with young people
6 Thursday Collaboration in practice
7 Reading week  
8 Reading week  
9 Monday Collaboration in practice
9 Thursday Challenges in group working 1
10 Monday Evaluating collaborative working
10 Thursday Challenges in group working 2
11 Assessment  

This is an interdisciplinary module. The teaching team is made up of lectures from Social Work, Community Education and Primary Teaching.


This module is available on following courses: