Thiel Cadaver Facility
We use the Thiel embalming system, which offers a novel and revolutionary experience of working with human material compared to other preservation methods
Centre for Anatomy and Human Identification
Medical Science Institute
Dow street
University of Dundee
If you are considering using the Thiel method of embalming, we can help. As the first UK institution to take up this method, we have several years of experience working with it and are now considered the UK’s leading Thiel facility. Our technicians have been consulted by a variety of anatomical institutions across the world already, including in Sri Lanka, Israel, Thailand, and the UK.
Our Thiel cadavers:
- maintain the fascial layers between structures.
- are highly flexible and retain lifelike colour and consistency.
- offer an outstanding experience, whether you intend to test an innovative medical device, to train medical practitioners in a surgical procedure, to carry out morphological research, or to learn anatomy through dissection.
- are flexible enough to be moved into any position.
- can be ventilated, sutured, perfused, or insufflated.
- can undergo endoscopy, bronchoscopy, arthroscopy, ureteroscopy or laparoscopy, providing a high fidelity simulation experience
They can also be used in imaging studies, where X-ray, CT, MRI and ultrasound all offer a highly realistic experience. We accept around 90 donations per year, and have approximately 200 Thiel cadavers at any one time.
The Centre for Anatomy and Human Identification collaborates with healthcare professionals throughout Scotland, the UK and the world. We aim to provide effective knowledge exchange between clinicians, biomedical researchers and governing bodies in order to develop future medical practice and approaches to healthcare.
We also work closely with the School of Medicine at Ninewells Hospital in Dundee.
The Dundee Institute for Healthcare Simulation can provide expertise in surgical skills and more sophisticated surgical equipment such as laparoscopic stacks and virtual simulation programmes.
Contact: cscbookings@dundee.ac.uk
The Institute for Medical Science and Technology IMSaT) can offer expertise in image guided interventional therapy and robotics. The Image Guided Research Facility (IGRF) and Clinical Research Imaging Facility (CRIF) combine the valuable properties of Thiel embalmed cadavers with MRI, CT and fluoroscopy to conduct investigations into medical devices and interventions.
Equipment and facilities
As a highly specialised anatomy centre within a university environment, we can offer you an experience that fulfils your learning requirements and caters for your needs:
- Our Functional Teaching Suite (FTS) is a multi-purpose facility with dissection and dry laboratory capability, fitted with 9 teaching bays, surgical operating lights and high-quality audiovisual equipment. It provides innovative flexibility for interactive learning environments suitable for undergraduate and postgraduate training.
- Our main Dissecting Room has 30 cadaveric stations, each with cadaver trolley, dissecting instruments and computer, enabling courses, dissections, or projects with a small or large number of participants to be carried out.
- We have a variety of lecture theatres, seminar rooms and an anatomy museum, catering for diverse numbers of people. Catering can be arranged.
Centre for Anatomy and Human Identification