Helen Roger

A New Culture of Learning, University of the Highlands and Islands

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"The kind of learning that will define the twenty-first century is not taking place in a classroom" Cultivating the Imagination for a World of Constant Change; Douglas Thomas and John Seely Brown (2011)

This transfer document looks at the implications of the use of educational technology in the context of Creative Industries Faculty of University of the Highlands and Islands and the impact on our international and indigenous communities of learners. The notion of the role of the art and design lecturer will be explored and emerging design pedagogies and creative learning spaces researched. I will study Post Digital Reviews relating to the learning and teaching environment, beyond the hype.

(The Post-Digital Review gathers experts (from digital culture art, policymakers, curating and research) to discuss shifting forms of cultural practice, of organisations and of the economy) Andersen advises that Post-digital, once understood as a critical reflection of “digital” aesthetic immaterialism, now describes the messy and paradoxical condition of art and media after digital technology revolutions. “Post-digital” neither recognises the distinction between “old” and “new” media, nor ideological affirmation of the one or the other. It merges “old” and “new”, often applying network cultural experimentation to analog technologies which it reinvestigates and re-uses. It tends to focus on the experiential rather than the conceptual. It looks for DIY agency outside totalitarian innovation ideology, and for networking off big data capitalism. At the same time, it already has become commercialised. (Andersen, Cox and Papadopoulos 2014)

“This research will inform our future holistic and strategic approach to lecturer training, Creative Industries curriculum development; connect communities and enable wider access and collaboration internationally and within the Highlands and Islands of Scotland.”

Helen Roger