Counselling Service
Counselling provides a safe space for staff and students to talk about their issues or concerns. We have a team of counsellors with a wide variety of backgrounds and experience, and our sessions are free.
Support for students
Our sessions are friendly, supportive and confidential. These are just some of the issues that students have come to us about:
- anxiety
- relationship issues
- loss
- bullying
- stress
- panic attacks
- depression
- homesickness
- loneliness
- perfectionism
It's healthier to explore it with an experienced counsellor than bottle it up and never see an improvement. If we can't help you, we'll let you know and suggest other sources of help.
Student video
Student Tendayi shares her experience using the Counselling and Support Services at the University of Dundee.
Support for staff
Staff can get support through the Counselling Service.
Our service is:
- free to access
- available for 6 sessions within a 12 month period
- totally independent and not attached to any department or administrative area of the University
We are also available to offer advice, guidance and support to staff who have a welfare role with others. Contact us to talk over your concerns if you are unsure how to support a student or colleague in difficulty.