
HR Excellence in Research and Researcher Development Concordat

Updated on 29 June 2022

On this page you can find out more about the HR Excellence in Research Award accreditations and how they are implemented at Dundee

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HR Excellence in Research

HR Excellence in Research Award

The University of Dundee is committed to supporting and developing the careers of our research community and is proud to hold the HR Excellence in Research Award, which we were granted in 2011 and have held continuously since.

Universities which hold this award are required to conduct regular reviews to ensure that they continue to meet the required standards, with an internal review being held every two years and an external review every four years.

As part of this review process, the key documents (reports and action plans) relating to the award are required to be made publicly available via a University website. The purpose of this page is to host these documents as well as to provide background information on the University of Dundee’s actions and processes in relation to fulfilling the commitments it has made to researchers implicit in holding an HR Excellence in Research Award. 

What is the HR Excellence in Research Award?

The HR Excellence in Research Award is the European Commission’s official accreditation given to institutions within the European Research Area which have been found to fulfil the principles of the Commission’s Charter for Researchers and Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. In practice this means institutions whose policies and processes indicate continuous efforts to ensure that researchers are recruited through fair processes and enjoy good working conditions.

 As a holder of the HR Excellence in Research Award, the University is committed to participating in both national and European evaluation and benchmarking exercises.

In the UK, the HR Excellence in Research Award is fully aligned with the Researcher Development Concordat, meaning that institutions are assessed for this award based on their demonstrated progress in implementation of the Concordat.   

12 Year Review of Award

The University has submitted documentation for the Twelve-Year review of the HR Excellence in Research Award. 

The key documents below in relation to this process can be found on HR Excellence in Research: 12 Year Review 

  • 12 Year Review Progress Report
  • 2023 - 2026 Action Plan
  • Updated 10 Year Review Action Plan (2021 - 2023)

10 Year Review of Award

In September 2021 we published our external review of the activities that support the retention of our HR Excellence in Research Award. The key documents below in relation to this process can be found on HR Excellence in Research: 10 Year Review

  • 10 Year Review Progress Report 
  • 2021 - 2023 Action Plan‌
  • Updated 8 Year Review Action Plan (2019 - 2021)

8 Year Review of Award 

In September 2019 we published our external review of the activities that support the retention of our HR Excellence in Research: 8 Year Review

  • 8 Year Review Progress Report
  • 2019 - 2021 Action Plan
  • HREinR Interim New Action Plan
  • Updated 6 Year Review Action Plan (2017-2019)

6 Year Review of Award

In February 2018 we published our internal review of the activities that support the retention of our HR Excellence in Research: 6 Year Review.

  • Action Plan 2017-2019
  • Updated 4 Year Review Action Plan (2015-2017)

4 Year Review of Award

In September 2015 we published our external review of the activities that support the retention of our HR Excellence in Research: 4 Year Review.

  • 4 Year Review Progress Report (2015)
  • 4 Year Review Action Plan (2015)

2 Year Review of Award

In September 2013 we published our internal review of progress from 2011 to 2013. HR Excellence in Research: 2 Year Review

  • 2 Year Review Progress Report (2013)
  • 2 Year Review Action Plan (2013)

Initial Award

In September 2011 we were awarded the HR Excellence in Research Award following our original submission.

The following documents are available on the HR Sharepoint website.

The Concordat Principles

View the Concordat Principles

Supporting information

The Revised Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers

The University of Dundee became signatory to the revised Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers (commonly known as the Researcher Development Concordat or RDC) in January 2021. This Concordat is organised around three clear principles of environment and culture, employment, and professional and career development. These principles are in turn underpinned by obligations set out for four key stakeholder groups: funders, institutionsresearchers and managers of researchers, to realise the aims of the Concordat.

View the University’s signed letter of commitment

View the principles of the revised RDC

Signatory institutions of the Researcher Development Concordat are required to produce and publish a progress report on their action plan, approved by the institution's governing body, within one calendar year of becoming signatory.

The University of Dundee's report was approved by the University Court at its session on 15 November 2022.

As a signatory of the Researcher Development Concordat, the University of Dundee is required to report annually on progress in its implementation (except in HR Excellence in Research reporting years).  

You can view the University’s progress reports so far here:  

View the first annual action plan progress report 2020-2021

View the Researcher Development Concordat Annual Progress Report 2021-2022

Key committees and groups in relation to RDC/HREinR principles and research culture at the University of Dundee

Career Development for Research Staff Steering Group

At the University of Dundee, implementation of the Researcher Development Concordat is led by the Career Development for Research Staff (CDRS) Steering Group. This is normally chaired by the Vice Principal for Research. The current interim chair is Professor Michael Gratzke, director of the University of Dundee Doctoral Academy.  

In carrying out its work, CDRS brings together researchers and professional services staff from across the University as well as liaising closely with representative associations and networks of researchers including School level Research Staff Associations and the Research Staff Forum.  

Research Staff Forum

The University of Dundee Research Staff Forum was established in September 2019. It aims to be a research community-owned and led initiative and feeds into the Career Development for Research Staff Steering Group. 

 The remit of the Research Staff Forum is to

  • Represent a collective voice for all research staff on matters or concerns affecting researchers
  • Provide a platform for communication and networking amongst research staff and the wider university committees and management groups
  • Promote the central support available for researcher development from across the University
  • Facilitate a borderless community for researchers to make the most of their time at the University of Dundee
  • Influence university policy and practice and help to improve the researcher experience at the University of Dundee

The aim is for the Research Staff Forum to include at least one self-selected representative from each School with the responsibility to:

  • Gather information from departments and their wider School on any areas or issues and feedback
  • Be the point of contact for staff within the School regarding any topics / issues and bring these to the RSF meetings
  • Report back to their school with outcomes from the RSF 

The Research Staff Forum usually meets every two months in advance of CDRS meetings. If you would like to know more about the Forum and how you can get involved, please contact Dr Gavin Revie (g.f.revie@dundee.ac.uk)  

Related websites

Talent and Development

Vitae website 

UKRI website

School of Life Sciences Research Staff Association  

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