
Gender-based violence statement

Updated on 1 June 2019

The University of Dundee is committed to opposing and tackling gender-based violence in all its forms.

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The University of Dundee is committed to opposing and tackling gender-based violence in all its forms. Gender-based violence affects many people throughout society and we see our role as working alongside Dundee University Students’ Association, educational institutions, and city-wide organisations to contribute to eradicating gender-based violence. We also seek to ensure staff and students are supported and that the University is a safe place to work and study. Our Dignity at Work and Study Policy as well as Ordinance 40 covers some of the procedures we have put in place to deal with gender-based violence at the University of Dundee.

Gender-based violence takes different forms including (but not exclusively) domestic abuse, rape, sexual assault, sexual harassment, stalking, dowry-related violence, female genital mutilation and forced marriage. The University of Dundee, for the purposes of its work on gender-based violence, has adopted the Scottish Government’s explanation and acknowledges that: -

  • Gender-based violence is a function of gender inequality. 
  • It can take many forms including physical, sexual and psychological harm. 
  • It can happen to anyone but disproportionately affects women and children.

The University also acknowledges that some people can experience additional discrimination including, for example, those who have experienced gender-based violence and who are disabled, BME, or from the LGBT+ community. Our Equality and Diversity Policy outlines our commitment to promoting equality, diversity and inclusion among staff and students to ensure that individuals realise their full potential. Our commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion also involves the University promoting gender equality and in working proactively towards eliminating discrimination on the basis of sex and gender.

We ask everyone in the university community to uphold our values by contributing to a supportive environment for those who have been affected by gender-based violence as well as raising awareness of the impact of gender-based violence. Working together as a community will not only help the University to advance its values but it will also contribute to wider campaigns which aim to eradicate gender-based violence in society. Together we can end gender-based violence. If you have been affected by gender-based violence and would like to seek support, please see Annex A.

Annex A

If anyone at the University of Dundee has experienced gender-based violence, we would encourage you to seek support as soon as possible. You will not be told what to do and there will be no pressure placed upon you, the University will seek to support you with whatever course of action you decide to take. We will respect you, take your concerns seriously, and we will offer non-judgemental support. Often approaching a colleague or student who you trust, and where a conversation can happen in confidence, can be an important first step. For students, going to the Enquiry Centre and speaking to a member of the student support team can often help you to feel supported on campus and to become aware of other services, both internal and external to the university, which might be able to help. Staff can contact the People Support team in the first instance to find out what options there are or they can contact one of the following people or organisations listed below.

Campus Support Services for students

Enquiry Centre - 01382 381900 /


Disability Service


Dundee University Students Association


Campus Support Services for Staff



Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

External Support Services

Rape Crisis Scotland Helpline - 08088 01 03 02

Dundee Women’s Aid - 01382 207099

Perthshire Women’s Aid - 01738 639043

Shakti Women’s Aid - 01382 207 095

Women’s Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre (Dundee and Angus) - 01382 201291

Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre – Perth and Kinross - 01738 630965

Breathing Space - 0800 83 85 87

Samaritans - 116 123


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