Professor Shamima Haque


Business Office, School of Business

Shamima Haque
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Shamima joined the University of Dundee in January 2023 as a Professor of Accounting within the Accounting & Finance discipline in the School of Business.

She completed her PhD from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) University, Melbourne, Australia in 2012 and began working as a Lecturer at the School of Accountancy at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) in Brisbane in 2013. In 2017, she moved to the UK to take up a Senior Lecturer position at the Business School of the University of Aberdeen, before joining the Business School at the University of Dundee.

She is currently the Program Lead for MSc Accounting and Finance. She is a Chartered Accountant (CAANZ).


Shamima’s primary research interest lies in the field of corporate social and environmental accounting and related disclosures. During her doctoral studies, Shamima delved into the climate change-related corporate governance disclosure practices of leading Australian companies. Since obtaining PhD, she has continued to concentrate her research on corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability, broadening her scope beyond climate change issues to include a wider range of social and environmental accounting topics such as human rights, employee-related issues, corporate bribery, NGO accountability, and gender.

Shamima has published in several highly regarded peer-reviewed journals, including Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, Accounting Forum, Accounting and Business Research, Critical Perspectives on Accounting, Financial Accountability and Management, Journal of Accounting Literature and Gender, Work and Organization.

Key Research Areas

  • Corporate Social and Environmental Accounting and related Disclosures
  • Climate Change
  • Modern Slavery/Human Rights/Employee Rights
  • Gender

Research Grant

Shamima has collaborated on research projects on corporate accountability in relation to modern slavery funded by:

  • the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) (Awarded £139,018 [Full cost]—net contribution by UKRI/AHRC: £123,313) and
  • GCRF Covid-19 response grant of Grants Academy (Awarded £98,214 [full cost]—net contribution £47,249)
  • AHRC/UKRI—further impact fund-- £10,000

The research conducted shed light on the plight of garment workers in the factories of UK retailers' supply chains in Bangladesh during the pandemic. The research findings presented specific recommendations to stakeholders, the UK government, and the Bangladesh government to take necessary actions towards eradicating worker exploitation in global clothing supply chains.

PhD Supervision

Shamima has nine postgraduate research (PGR )completion, with five PhDs and four MPhils, and is currently supervising two PhD candidates.

View full research profile and publications


BU42007: Financial Assurance and Ethics (Module leader)

BU52005: International Accounting and Financial Reporting (Module leader)

BU52015: Research Methods