Dr Fiona Muir


Postgraduate Medicine, School of Medicine

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+44 (0)1382 383757





Fiona is Reader (Medical Education: Teaching & Scholarship) at the University of Dundee, School of Medicine within the undergraduate and postgraduate educational programmes, both locally and internationally. She is a highly experienced dual-professional: an academic and nurse registrant with extensive experience of leading and effecting change in Higher Education, including blended and community-based healthcare models of curricula and programme accreditation.

Fiona contributes to curriculum development and programme design: planning, implementation and evaluation; provides teaching; mentor, supervisory support, training and staff development; develops and monitors quality of academic standards for medical education within an evolving professional landscape.

Fiona has a varied background and professional qualifications in medical education, nurse education, adult, child health and practice nursing. These include Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education (2002); Master of Education with Distinction (2003); Professional Doctorate of Education (2009). Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.

Her role extends to Masters in Medical Education Programme; Professional Learning (CPD) Framework lead (Advance HE fellowship); Facilitator & Personal Licence holder for Writing a Journal Article course (Tim Albert); BMSc Medical Education Accredited by Advance HE (Associate Fellowship) Programme Lead and Dundee Medical School Professional Doctorate Lead.

Current External Examiner for BSc Health and Medical Sciences University of Warwick and Masters Clinical Education Programme Peninsula Medical School University of Plymouth.

Past External Examiner for University of Edinburgh, University of Aberdeen and Open University (Professional Doctorate Viva Voce Exam)

Current Consultancy: QA Programme Accreditation Fakeeh College of Medical Sciences FCMS, Jeddah UAE.

Previous Research Degrees Programme Lead and Educational Fellow for Kuwait-Scotland eHealth Innovation Network.


Fiona's research interests are in reflective practice, inter-professional & interdisciplinary education, professionalism, developing the doctor and academic as teacher, multi-cultural education.

Selected publications

  • Sanatani, M. and Muir, F., 2023. Oncology residents’ experiences of decision-making in a clinical learning environment: a phenomenological study. Advances in Health Sciences Education, pp.1-20.
View full research profile and publications


BMSc (Hons) Medical Education (with Associate fellow Advance HE) Intercalated Degree

Masters of Medical Education, Centre for Medical Education

Professional Learning (CPD) Framework (Advance HE fellowship)

Professional Doctorate

Previous teaching positions include:

2003 to 2005 Nurse Lecturer, University of Abertay Dundee

2001 to 2003 Clinical Teaching Fellow, University of Abertay Dundee
