Dr Daniel Clarke

Senior Lecturer

Business Office, School of Business

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Daniel is a Senior Lecturer in Management & Marketing at UDSB where he is currently the Programme Lead for the BSc(Hons) Business Management degree. Before joining UDSB in 2012, he was a Lecturer in Marketing at Liverpool Hope University.

He studied marketing at the universities of EUROMED Marseille and Westminster, and then at St Andrews where he gained a Masters before completing his PhD (in Organization Studies).

His scholarship centres around issues related to organizational space/place and he has published work on teleworking, management education, sensory retail environment, craft beer, son-father relations and experiences of death, dying and bereavement. His interests are framed by a desire to develop evocative forms of understanding through use of imaginative-creative and expressive representations including autoethnography and research poetry.

Daniel's work has been published in Management Learning, Qualitative Inquiry, Forum Qualitative  Social Research/Sozialforschung, The Design Journal, Leisure Sciences and British Journal of Guidance & Counselling.


Areas of expertise

  • Organizational space and place
  • Customer experience
  • Son-father relations
  • Autoethnography

My research about craft drinks consumptions was showcased at two events sponsored by Connect Local; Interface; Scotland Food & Drink; Scottish Tourism Alliance, supported by Highlands and Islands Enterprise (Aberdeen, 24 September 2019 AND Inverness, 25 February, 2020) where 60-70 food and drink producers participated (at each event) in a Food Tourism Innovation Workshop on ‘Storytelling and Sense of Place’.

My presentation titled “New Food & Drink Experiences & Trends” was part of localised efforts to operationalise Scotland Food & Drink Ambition 2030: Industry Strategy for Growth (published 20.10.2018).

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BU11005 Step Up to Business (module leader)

BU30010 Research Methods & Consultancy Practices (module leader)

BU40011 Business Dissertation (module leader)

BU400012 Business Consultancy Project (module leader)

BU40014 Understanding & Managing Organizational Space (module leader)
