Andrew Milligan

Senior Lecturer

Design and Making, Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design

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+44 (0)1382 385303


Andy is interested in place-based prototyping and in new domestechtopias that reflect our altered domestic, technological and utopian experiences of dwelling. He is an international coordinator for GIDE, Group for International Design Education and co-editor/author of 'CampUS', 2017; 'Design Feeds the Planet', 2015; Design in Action / Celebration', 2014 amongst others. In 2016, he gained 'Festival of Architecture' funding and was an invited panel member for the British Council's 'What's the Future of Domestic Life' event with Creative Dundee, Architecture Fringe and Sumi Bose UK Architecture Pavilion, Venice Biennale. He presented at Test Unit's 'Art, Architecture, Design & the City' event as part of Agile Cities, Glasgow, 2016 focusing on pedagogy and the PARK[ing] Day manifesto. He has been an invited expert at AHRC focus groups including 'Antimicrobial Resistance in Indoor Environments', 2016; 'Proto Publics Social Design Sprint', Lancaster University, 2015, and 'Connected Communities & Design Summit & Showcase', Edinburgh, 2013. Andy initiated, and co-founded, 'Interiors Forum Scotland' with research colleagues from Glasgow and Edinburgh HEI's leading to international conferences and two co-edited publications- 'Interior Tools Interior Tactics: Debates in Interior Theory and Practice', 2011, and 'Thinking Inside the Box: A Reader in Interiors for the 21st Century', 2007.

He is currently developing a third conference for 2017-18 on the theme of 'Prototyping Place' with IE Interior Educators, UK. He's published widely including 'Handbook of Interior Architecture and Design' 2013, and contributed to numerous international review panels, including IDEA 'Urban Interior' Journal 2015. Previous industry experience includes periods with 'Nicoll Russell Studios: Architects & Interior Designers' where he was an RIBA Gold Medal team member, and in a commercial capacity with the 'RIAS, Royal Incorporation for Architects in Scotland'. He has been an External Examiner / Reviewer in the UK, Italy, Singapore and Greece and is an RSA and a Higher Education Fellow.


Research projects

  • 'FLEX: Flexible Dwelling for Extended Living' Co-Investigator in AHRC Communities, Culture & Design [2012-2013] 
  • a Co-I Investigator in Technology Strategy Board / EPSRC [2010-2012] 
  • 'SPARKS: Social Parks and Urban Green Space' Co-I Investigator in AHRC Connected Communities [2011-2012] 
View full research profile and publications

Media availability

I am available for media commentary on my research.

Contact Corporate Communications for media enquiries.

Areas of expertise

  • Art and design


Press release

More than 150 students and staff from eight countries will come together at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design next week to explore how V&A Dundee and other local institutions can transform into ‘mobile museums’

Published on 14 February 2019