Reflective and Ethical Practice module (SW21011)

Learn about the complex ethical make up of social work. You will develop your skills of reflective social work practice

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Social workers are called upon to make complex decisions about people’s lives. It is essential that they can identify and understand the various factors that influence these decisions.

You will explore the complex ethical make up of social work practice. You will also discuss how reflective practice impacts all aspects of social work.

What you will learn

In this module, you will:

  • study aspects of anti-oppressive and anti-discriminatory practice
  • develop your understanding of social work within an international context
  • develop your skills in written and discursive reflection, inquiry, and critical analysis

By the end of this module you will be able to:

  • understand ethical and moral social work. In particular, this will be in relation to consent, informed consent, and decision-making
  • understand the issues relating to power and empowerment within social work. You will also understand other people-oriented services both in the UK and internationally
  • explore the complexities of social work values. This will be in relation to self and professional conduct
  • understand issues relating to social justice. You will be able to begin to question how social workers can challenge oppression
  • explore the impact of managerial influences on social work autonomy

Assignments / assessment

  • essay 2,000 words (100%)

This module does not have a final exam.

Teaching methods / timetable

  • weekly 2.5-hour lectures on campus
    • mixture of PowerPoint lectures and small/large group discussions
  • independent study
    • you will be guided to relevant reading each week
  • formative reflective diary
    • to develop your reflective writing


This module is available on following courses: