Quality Improvement in Action module (PN50097)

Gain knowledge and understanding of the key drivers for utilizing Quality Improvement methodologies and improvement science.

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This module will help you gain knowledge and understanding of the key drivers for utilizing Quality Improvement methodologies and improvement science, as well as how to implement quality improvement in service delivery.

What you will learn

In this module, you will:

  • critically evaluate improvement science
  • compare and contrast different improvement science tools and approaches
  • critically appraise a range of Quality Improvement methodologies
  • develop approaches to successfully implement Quality Improvement in practice

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • discuss improvement science
  • debate different tools and approaches to improvement science
  • describe and reflect upon the Quality Improvement journey
  • discuss evidence based approaches to implementing Quality Improvement in practice

Assignments / assessment

  • assignment 3,000 words (100%)
    • development and critical reflection of a Quality Improvement project
    • Patch 1: Background Context and Drivers
      • state the aim of the improvement project
      • describe and critically analyse the context and drivers in your organisation or area of practice
    • Patch 2: Quality Improvement Methodology
      • provide a critical rationale for the Quality Improvement methods adopted for your project
    • Patch 3: Results
      • report the results from your first test of changes, including some initial data analysis
      • results should be related to the chosen methodology with an appropriate level of analysis
    • Patch 4: Critical Reflecion
      • critically reflect on the process of developing and evaluating your Quality Improvement project and the learning gained

This module does not have a final exam.

Teaching methods / timetable

This module is delivered through:

  • guided independent study
  • online activities
  • discussion boards
  • live webinars


This module is available on following courses: