Embryology module (CA31001)

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From the first cell to the adult form, you will learn how the body systems develop and how molecular switches control this process to create diversity within the body. This module a fundamental sub-speciality for anatomist and will draw on life sciences principles covered in your first two years of study and apply them to the human anatomy observed in our dissection room.
Your journey through the module will include a series of online and face-to-face lectures, with practical sessions where you can engage with activities to help solidify your knowledge.
Topics include:

  •  Fertilisation
  • Implantation and placentation
  • Formation of organ systems and some developmental anomalies
  • Childbirth and Post-natal growth

Assessment in this module will take the form of coursework (poster presentation and quizzes) and an end of module written exam.


This module is available on following courses: