Auditing module (BU30004)

Auditing exists to provide assurance to stakeholders that the financial information presented is is reliable and trustworthy.

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You will learn how auditing processes work, how different kids of data are examined and checked to be accurate and trustworthy.

Auditors work with both internal and external stakeholders so you will learn how to use the most appropriate reporting methods for different scenarios.

What you will learn

In this module, you will:

  • learn about the purpose of the audit, audit process, planning and risk assessment, internal control, audit evidence, audit review and reporting, and auditing ethics and principles

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • explain the principles and procedures of auditing. You will also be able to explain developments in the professional auditing environment
  • discuss the reasoning behind the techniques. You will also have a suitable grounding in methods for later professional training
  • meet the current exemption requirements of the professional accountancy bodies

Assignments / assessment

  • Coursework (20%)
  • Final written exam (80%)

Teaching methods / timetable

You will attend one two-hour in-person lecture and a one-hour tutorial per week.

Week Topics covered

Introduction to concepts of audit and assurance engagements

Auditor’s independence and ethical standards

2 Legal and professional requirements applicable to auditors
3 Issues about going concern and fraud
4 Auditor’s liability and the expectation gap
5 Contemporary auditing issues and techniques
6 Reading Week
7 Planning
8 Audit evidence
9 Audit evidence
10 Computerised audit procedures
11 Audit Finalisation



This module is available on following courses: