
Tayside Centre for Genomic Analysis

The primary aim of the Centre is to provide genomic analysis services to the University of Dundee encompassing both academic and clinical research themes

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School of Medicine
Mailbox 6, Level 6
University of Dundee
Ninewells Hospital

Tayside Centre for Genomic Analysis
Ninewells Campus
Group or department


The primary aim of the Tayside Centre for Genomic Analysis is to provide a state-of-the-art next-generation sequencing (NGS), genotyping services and bioinformatics analysis to the University of Dundee encompassing both academic and clinical research themes. The service is also available to external research and clinical groups, capacity permitting. Funds accumulated through the successful operation of the service are used to support the continued development of the core service unit within the University of Dundee. The Centre endeavours to maintain an inexpensive service while providing state-of-the-art equipment to support the activities of its clients.


The facility provides end-to-end service in all stages: from grant writing, experimental design to data analysis. We offer following standard and bespoke services including:

  • Our standard Next Generation sequencing services (pre-made library pools) using both Illumina (NovaSeq 6000 and MiSEQ) and Oxford Nanopore (MinION and GridION) are mRNA, total RNA, small RNA, whole genome, exome, targeted, amplicon (16S/18S/ITS), whole methylation Bisulfite sequencing and metagenomics.
  • Next Generation Sequencing Library Preparation using Illumina kits, or any standard kits based on request.
  • Genotyping using Illumina (iScan)
  • Sample preparation from blood, FFPE, microbial samples etc.
  • Quality Control using Agilent TapeStation 4200 and Qubit 3.0 Fluorometer.
  • Standard quality control for both Illumina, and Oxford Nanopore sequencing data.
  • Bioinformatics analysis including Genome-wide variant analysis, RNA-sequencing, Exome sequencing, Amplicon sequencing, Metagenomics, Epigenomics and small RNA sequencing etc.

Equipment use

The TCGA also offers two Applied Biosystems Quantstudio 7 Flex real-time PCR instruments (96-well fast and 384-well blocks and an array card blocks (384-well TLDA) and GridION for use by users within or outside of the University of Dundee. Time on any of the above-mentioned instruments can be arranged using the Labshake, online lab management platform, (University of Dundee staff and students only) or by emailing us.

Find out more information about our services see TCGA website

Get a quote or discuss projects

If you have any queries or looking for quotes, please contact us by email: tcga@dundee.ac.uk. If you would like to discuss your project requirements, please contact Dr Gwen Kennedy (g.y.kennedy@dundee.ac.uk) or Dr Abirami Veluchamy (a.z.veluchamy@dundee.ac.uk).



Tayside Centre for Genomic Analysis Manager

+44 (0)1382 383268
