Euan MacDiarmid

Product Design BSc (Hons)

Hello! I am a product designer specialising in creating solutions through making products that create meaningful experiences for users.


Profile photo of Euan MacDiarmid

'Recall' is a selection of three products which together create an aid for children with autism in a classroom environment. The student, teacher communication and time management devices help reduce unwanted stresses generated daily through confidence and anxiety issues. Making up the selection of products is a distraction tool designed to help boost the confidence of the user when speaking with a teacher or struggling to fully concentrate on a task.

Through weighted movements, the chunky pencil distraction allows the user to rotate, flip and shake the object to divide their attention, focusing more on the key activity of working or holding a conversation. The second product is the student device which allows the student to communicate with their teacher through haptic vibrations when requiring help or assistance. On the flip side of this product is a selection of LED indicators which communicates time with the student. The student can understand how much time has passed and must go until their next class, or break, depending on how many are displayed. This eliminates the need to constantly check the time via a smartphone or ask others. The final product is the teacher device which receives haptic vibrations from the student. The teacher is able to reply to this signal with a reply vibration which the student then receives.

Each 'Recall' device is created from beech wood and is stored in a branded pencil case which the student can use for all their daily school material.


'Recall' branded pencil case

‘Recall’ branded pencil case, used for storing the three devices and student equipment.

Logo and Branding

'Recall' purple hand shaped logo on a black background, also on a white background

'Recall' logo on both a black and white background.

Making of the Devices

Machine milled box with electronic board sitting inside.

Work in progress of the machine milled box which houses the electronics of the communication devices with a WEMOS D1 Mini chip inside.

Chunky pencil distraction tool sitting on bench with wood shavings.

Chunky pencil distraction tool just finished being handcrafted in the wood workshop.
