Nathan McWilliams

Product Design BSc (Hons)

Subtle Signals, creating personal and subtle communication between student and teacher.


Profile photo of Nathan McWilliams

Whilst teaching in schools I was interested in the differing approaches to educating children with Autism, some better, some worse. This alongside the lack of compulsory teaching about educating children with Autism and learning difficulties made me feel that there was a gap needing bridged.

Subtle Signals is comprised of two devices: one for the student, the other for the teacher. Together they allow for direct communication between teachers, and pupils with Autism. Working alongside current systems in education for instance; Communication passports and school therapists, Subtle Signals helps to work out and facilitate personalised prompts that can be sent to the teacher whenever the pupil requires. By tracking pupils' use of their prompts, and breaking it down to time, prompt, subject, and teacher, allows issues to be addressed before they become evident. Stopping them from having undue stress and allows the professionals within their educational environment to do their job in a more streamlined and beneficial fashion.

Subtle Signals aims to make school more inclusive and comfortable for children with Autism, by providing them with a personal voice when they might not be able to say it for themselves.

Subtle Signals

The subtle signals device, a long ruler on top of a jotter. The grades in the jotter improve from left to right

Looking into different elements within Subtle Signals
