Dental Health Services Research Unit
Dental Health Services Research Unit (DHSRU) is a recognised research centre across a range of dental health services research both nationally and internationally
The Unit has evolved to meet the changing needs of the NHS in Scotland and has made long term contributions in the areas of dental epidemiology and public health, cariology, practice-based dental research and evidence based dentistry.
The Unit's remit is:
“To contribute to improving oral health and effective dental healthcare in Scotland and beyond by undertaking and facilitating collaborative health-related research and development which is delivered and implemented to international quality standards.”
DHSRU remains unique in dentistry, in the UK and internationally, by maintaining a long term portfolio of projects focusing on matters of importance to health services and providers of routine dental care. The rich history and 'corporate memory' of its staff, combined with a mature network of local, national and international collaborators, enables DHSRU to exploit synergies and deliver a range of dental research in key priority areas to high methodological standards.
Learn more about our research outputs and publications.