
Policy and guidance on the periodic review of taught programmes

Updated on 8 June 2020

Download the Periodic Review of Taught Programmes document and reflective analysis template

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Periodic Programme Review (PPR) is the periodic (normally every 6 years) appraisal of the quality and validity of taught provision leading to specified University of Dundee qualifications. It applies to all of the University's credit-bearing provision. Guidance for the periodic review of programmes delivered within a partnership arrangement are provided in Appendix 3.

In addition to being the formal mechanism for the re-approval of taught programmes it is a developmental process that aims to promote enhancement by assisting staff to:

  • evaluate the effectiveness and appropriateness of each programme over the recent past; 
  • reflect on how the programme(s) could be improved for the future; and 
  • plan and implement changes. 

You can download the full policy below.



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