Rules and regulations

Ordinance 40 – student discipline

Updated on 1 August 2019

“Ordinance 40” is the University’s reference to procedures and policies for student discipline

On this page
  • The University may develop criteria, committees, regulations and procedures in relation to student discipline which shall be subject to approval by the Senate prior to implementation. Any reference to “Ordinance 40” in the University’s procedures and policies shall be deemed to incorporate the approved Student Discipline Procedure in its entirety by reference.
  • The Student Discipline Procedure shall incorporate, where relevant, the spirit and rule of Statutes 5 (4) (The Principal) and 18 (Discipline).
  • For the avoidance of doubt, notwithstanding the Student Discipline Procedure, Statutes 5 and 18 shall continue to apply in relation to issues concerning student discipline. Where there is a conflict between the terms of the Student Discipline Procedure and the relevant Statutes, the relevant Statutes shall prevail.