
Annual programme review report template and guidance

Updated on 19 October 2022

Template and guidance to be followed by staff when completing annual programme quality enhancement reports.

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The following guidance must be followed when completing annual programme quality enhancement reports.

  1. Programme details: Name of programme(s). A number of programmes that are cognate may be aggregated for reporting - e.g. ‘Undergraduate programmes in Law’.
  2. Academic Year: State the academic year that is pertinent to this report. E.g. 2017-18.
  3. School: The School with chief responsibility for the programme. Note other Schools involved, if applicable.
  4. Programme Leader: Name and contact details of programme leader.
  5. Student recruitment: Comment on trends in student number(s), qualifications, or characteristics. Consider:
    • number of applications per place;
    • number and proportion of home/rest of UK/EU/overseas student applications and enrolments; and
    • average entry tariff of students recruited (UG programmes).

    Identify any aspects of student intake to the programme that were significant this year.

  6. Student retention: Consider student retention issues at programme level where possible. Comment on any trends or issues that were significant this year. Whilst is noted that this can be complex in situations where students can exercise choice between a number of programme pathways post-entry and beyond, it is important that programme teams take a view on approaches to student retention and support.
  7. Student progression and achievement: Analyse student pass rates and grades in component modules using data from the main exam diet. Pass rates from the resit diet may be considered in an addendum at a later date. Consider pass rates with and without withdrawals.

    Identify any modules that were particularly successful or problematic in relation to Institutional and discipline norms. Note any high fail rates and any modules with a particularly high proportion of grades within the 2.2 range or lower (e.g. more than 40 % of the student cohort attaining ≤C), as well as any modules with a particularly high proportion of grades within the 2.1 range or above (e.g. more than 60 % of the student cohort attaining ≥B). Give an evaluation of consistency of marking (with reference to SCQF levels, PSRB requirements (where relevant), learning outcomes as described in programme and module specifications and the QAA Quality Code).

    Consider whether there are any significant variations in the distribution of grades between modules, and whether the marking scale is being used consistently and effectively. Describe plans to deal with any issues that have been identified.

    Discuss any other notable trends or issues that have been identified at module-level in the context of the programme.

    Final award: Comment on trends or issues that were significant regarding the cohort of students that completed the programme this year. Include consideration of the pattern of final awards (e.g. honours classifications) and the overall performance of this cohort of students from admission/intake.

    Specific groups or types of student: Comment on any issues that were significant regarding specific groups or types of students (e.g. EU/international students, students who entered through a Widening Participation route, students admitted under articulation agreements, advanced entry students, mature students or disabled students).

    Summarise any proposed actions within the area of student progression and achievement, giving consideration to the sharing of good practice and an open and transparent approach to dealing with areas for development.

  8. Communication of information to students: Reflect and comment on the effectiveness of the approach to communicating information to students through, for example, programme and module handbooks and websites.

    Consider whether there is effective communication of:

    • programme and module specifications;
    • learning outcomes; and
    • assessment criteria.

    Consider and comment on whether student handbooks are appropriately aligned with the requirements of the University policy on programme and module handbooks.

    Summarise any proposed actions within the area of communication of information to students, giving consideration to the sharing of good practice and an open and transparent approach to dealing with areas for development.

  9. Outcomes of annual module reviews: Provide a summary of student feedback on the curriculum this year. Comment on the feedback from module questionnaires (positive areas and areas for development). List any action points for the programme as a whole that arise from the questionnaires. Provide any other comments on the outcomes of the annual module reviews.
  10. Module choices and graduate skills/attributes: Provide an evaluation of the cohesiveness of the programme, considering compulsory and optional modules and student choices. In terms of graduate skills and attributes, and the intended learning outcomes of the programme, reflect on the content of constituent modules, the balance between compulsory and optional modules and whether opportunities for students to take modules outwith the School are optimal.

    Describe plans for enhancement of graduate employability (including, for example, engagement with the initiatives/modules offered by the Careers Service, work placements, study abroad opportunities, off-campus study trips).

  11. Graduate destinations: Where possible, consider the most recent first destination statistics for all graduates and also any graduate-related feedback from other sources. Identify any significant issues and, where relevant, consider whether any aspects of the programme should be reviewed in light of these (see also above).
  12. Evaluation of the operation of the programme: Provide an evaluation of the operation of the programme (including learning resources such as staffing, equipment, accommodation and budget). Areas of good practice and areas where there are concerns should be highlighted. The evaluation should be informed by:
    • the annual module quality enhancement reports and relevant supporting material such as student feedback forms;
    • external examiners’ comments (comments at exam boards, comments on exam papers and/or coursework assignments and formal reports, where available);
    • PSRB reports, where relevant;
    • Students — for example, via School Board discussions, from School level questionnaires or other surveys, from the National Student Survey; from Student-Staff Liaison Committee meetings and from any complaints or grievances; and
    • Staff — for example, via School Learning and Teaching and/or Quality and Academic Standards Committee meetings or School Board discussions.

    Summarise any proposed actions arising from evaluation of the operation of the programme, giving consideration to the sharing of good practice and an open and transparent approach to dealing with areas for development.

  13. Approach to teaching, assessment and feedback: Give an overview of approaches to teaching, assessment and feedback, highlighting areas of good practice and areas for development that have been identified through annual module reviews.

    Comment on:

    • the overall suitability of teaching methods in helping students achieve the intended learning outcomes;
    • the overall suitability of assessment methods in evaluating achievement of intended learning outcomes of the programme; and
    • the overall effectiveness of feedback to students.

    Summarise any proposed actions within the area of teaching, assessment and feedback, giving consideration to the sharing of good practice and an open and transparent approach to dealing with areas for development. Where the programme has participated in the TESTA (Transforming the Experience of Students Through Assessment) method, comment on what was learned and any actions planned.

  14. Student placements and exchanges: Comment on the success of student placement and exchange activities and identify any noteworthy areas of good practice or significant issues that need to be addressed. State ‘not applicable’ if this is not relevant to the programme.
  15. Accreditation and PSRB and/or QAA subject benchmarking: Comment on:
    • any relevant changes in PSRB accreditation or subject benchmarking and how these are being addressed; and
    • management of relationships with professional accrediting bodies. State ‘not applicable’ if this not relevant.
  16. Collaborative arrangements: Provide an evaluation of the effectiveness and impact of any collaborative agreements/contracts with other institutions/organisations. This should include reflection on arrangements for articulation agreements, joint/double awards*, flying faculty arrangements and any validation or franchise arrangements. State ‘not applicable’ if this is not relevant to the programme.

    *Note that joint/double award arrangements with external organisations are considered as distinct programmes and separate reports should be completed for such arrangements.

  17. Inclusive nature of the curriculum: Note any changes that have been made to promote inclusive practice. Reflect on the inclusivity of the curriculum and highlight examples of good practice related to equality and diversity as well as areas for development. See:Equality and diversity

    Drawing from the information provided in the annual module quality enhancement reports, confirm whether all staff who teach on the programme have undertaken the online training programme on equality and diversity. If not, provide an overview of the plans provided in the module reports to ensure that all teaching staff have undertaken the relevant training.

  18. Evaluation of past changes: Comment on the impact and effectiveness of changes at programme level that have been implemented as a result of previous reflective analyses. State ‘not applicable’ if this is not relevant.
  19. Quality enhancement and future changes: Consider the opportunities for enhancement (or needs for change) at programme level that were identified this year through reflection and review.

    Describe the steps that are being taken to enhance the learning opportunities for students. Include, for example, consideration of:

    • employability
    • student mobility (e.g. study abroad opportunities)
    • internationalisation of the curriculum
    • research-teaching linkages
    • student support mechanisms (including retention and the first year experience where appropriate)
    • student engagement/representation
    • feedback to students
    • approaches to assessment
    • approaches to teaching (including the use of technology and on-line learning)
    • academic staff development opportunities
    • equality and diversity
    • organisation and management

    Describe any planned changes, the strategy for implementing the change(s) and the proposed dates/timeline.

    Where appropriate, attach modified documentation such as programme specification or schedule of modules, for consideration by School Board or School Quality and Academic Standards Committee members. Highlight any potential impact on the School’s operational plan.

  20. Other comments: Note any other issues considered significant this year at programme level, including aspects of good practice. This section should cover, for example, approaches, developments or innovations that have proved successful or challenging and may be of interest to other staff, including:
    • dealing with specific student groups (e.g. new entrant students, EU/international students, students who enter through the Widening Participation route, mature students, or disabled students);
    • promoting student motivation;
    • promoting student achievement and progression;
    • practice in student representation and engagement;
    • promoting learning of transferable skills;
    • effective classroom techniques; and
    • effective use of technology.
  21. Author and date: Provide the completion date and the name of the individual completing the programme evaluation.



Quality and Academic Standards

Corporate information category Academic standards