ACES (Access to Creative Education in Scotland)

We are a nationally funded initiative based across the four art schools in Scotland.

On this page

Our job is to encourage, educate, and empower senior-phase pupils to consider careers and higher education in art, design, and architecture.

Our broad programme of events and 1-1 support helps pupils to explore their options, create a competitive application, and develop a strong portfolio of work.

How we can help you

Studying art and design at university is very different from school - there are many options! The application process is competitive and can be daunting.

ACES events will help you make the right decisions about which courses to apply for, find out what selectors are looking for and do anything else you might need to prepare. Our advice is impartial and unbiased, and we are here for you every step of the way.

You do not need to apply to the University of Dundee to be part of ACES. ACES is funded by the Scottish Government to help you get to wherever is right for you.

Explore, develop, and apply

Our events are designed to help you make the best choices and create the most competitive application possible. We’ll help you explore your options and understand what studying a creative degree is like (there are so many specialisms!) at our explore days. You’ll develop your skills and build up your work with many projects at events like portfolio prep and life drawing. And then, when the time comes, we’ll support you through the application process. From start to finish, we’re here to help.

Take part in ACES

Find out whether you are eligible to participate and register for ACES

Contact information


+44 (0)1382 384030