Press release
University backs Technician Commitment
Published on 16 June 2021
The University of Dundee has become a signatory to the Technician Commitment, a national pledge to support technicians in universities and research institutions
The Technician Commitment is a university and research institution initiative, led by a steering board of sector bodies, with support from the Science Council and the Technicians Make It Happen campaign.
Professor Iain Gillespie, Principal and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Dundee, said, “We are one of the most research-intensive universities in the UK and offer excellent teaching and a very strong student experience, all of which helps make a great impact on people’s lives locally and globally. The world-class work we do cannot be carried out without world-class technicians, who are a vital part of our efforts.
“Our brilliant technicians of course provide invaluable support across our all parts of our University and they also lead a huge amount of work, including with students who really value their expertise and commitment. This leadership, as well as everything else our technicians do particularly as we move towards becoming a more digitally enabled institution, needs to be recognised and supported by all.
“My thanks go to all of our technicians right across the University.”
The Technician Commitment aims to ensure visibility, recognition, career development and sustainability for technicians working in higher education and research, across all disciplines.