Beyond Streets: The Changing Role and Purpose of Public Space
Published on 20 July 2017
This collaborative event celebrated the 10th anniversary of the Academy of Urbanism, organised jointly with Architecture and Design Scotland and the University of Dundee, within the Scottish Government’s Year of Innovation, Architecture and Design.
It focused on streets and public space, building upon the highly successful ‘Place Making’ symposium series previously run jointly by the University of Dundee, Academy of Urbanism, Architecture Design Scotland and other key partners.
Streets and other urban spaces need to respond to the demands of modern life, including vehicle access and human walkability, safety and well-being, local business needs and shifts in arts and culture. There has been a progressive shift from utilitarian corridors to ‘positive’ streets where people want to be – where they feel comfortable, safe and even inspired by their surroundings.
This event considered how current practice can be improved and how we can plan for future trends.
This event reached a broad audience, covering built environment decision-makers and professional planners, academics and researchers, architects and urban designers, landscape architects, highway and traffic engineers, regeneration, health, housing, town centre managers, consultants, retailers, public art and cultural practitioners. The aim was for the event to provide the leading forum for those concerned with the creation and development of quality public spaces. It considered the latest thinking and the most creative and innovative approaches to the design, management and activation of the public realm. Participants came from across the UK and Europe.
Press Office, University of Dundee