Award winning student animated film now available for public viewing
Published on 29 January 2024
A group of students from Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design celebrate the release of their animated film online, following a successful year of festival touring.
Produced and directed by a group of Animation students from Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design (DJCAD), the short film “I Remember You” has now been made available to the public to view online for the first time.
The short, animated film toured film festivals world-wide and successfully picked up a number of Finalist placement nominations and awards along the way. At the 2022 Waterford International Film Festival held in Ireland, the film earned the Best Student Film award. It also appeared in the Silicon Valley Queer Film Festival in August 2022, where student project lead, Tatyana, was awarded Best Director.
Tatyana said “I'm so grateful to have had the opportunity to realize this film. What started as a daydream in a midnight shower could never have become what it has without the continuous support and hard work of the people who chose to join the project and devote their precious time to make it the best it could be. A gift like that may never come again, and I am thankful every time I am reminded of what we made together.”
“This film is dedicated to the childhood friends, children, siblings, parents, grandparents, loved ones, and pets, we've lost throughout our lives. So many stories remain untold, but we remember you.”
Additionally, the film was also included at the Life Screenings International Short Film Festival as well as featuring as a finalist for best film, best director, and best original story at Fishnets and Film Queer Film Festival.
The production team includes animation students, now in their fourth and final year of studies, alongside teaching and support staff from DJCAD.
Tatyana Archtander, Project lead and provided Art Director for the film Aedan Lucas, Alex Muir, Ellé McLeod, Hannah Dickson, Lucy Gillespie, Lucy Roddam, Stewart McQueen and Kathryn Haddow who are all graduates from DJCAD animation programme from 2022. In addition, Aoife Beniston, Eilidh Paterson, Emma Shanks, Jonathan Strombom, Lauren McDonald, Leah O'Donnell, Lok To, and Maud Joseph who contributed to the production.
Watch the entire film on YouTube