Kim McGillivray

Senior Lecturer

General Foundation in Art and Design, Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design

Portrait photo of Kim McGillivray
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Since 1993, Kim has practiced commercially as an illustrator in the design, advertising and publishing industries. His practice explores image making through digital, lens-based and handcrafted methods and investigates new approaches to visual communication whilst reconciling commercial and artistic issues. 

He has fulfilled nearly 500 commissions for major publishers and press/media organisations throughout the world. His work has been represented by agents in London, Amsterdam and New York and has been exhibited throughout the UK and nominated for the Scottish Design Awardsand the Roses Advertising Awards. Clients include: The Independent, BBC Publications, Condé Naste, The Sunday Times, New Scientist, Random House, Penguin, MacMillan, Cannongate, Harper Collins, Time Warner, Simon & Schuster, The British Council, Standard Life, BP.

Kim has also taught in Scottish art colleges since 1999 and is currently a member of the core teaching staff on the General Foundation in Art & Design which includes curricular planning and delivery (within studios and in lectures) of the 1st year programme and conduct assessment, feedback and pastoral activities.

He has coordinated specialist pathways within the programme (overseeing staff recruitment and management) and provides inter-departmental liaison, particularly, with regard to internal progression towards specialized study. He is active in the college's recruitment/marketing initiatives (developing links and liaising with external stakeholders) and is member of the admissions panel for the college.


Kim has been appointed to a new role within the college in a teaching and scholarship capacity which involves reviewing and reporting upon teaching & learning practices and programme development within entry/foundation level at the college.