Dr Ian Ellis

Senior Lecturer

Dentistry, School of Dentistry

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+44 (0)1382 381618


Unit Biological Safety officer, Unit and School Radiological Safety Officer.

Member of School Safety Committee and Joint School/NHS Safety Committee, College Safety Committee and College Laboratories Committee, University Biological Safety Committee and University Health and Safety Committee

Trained UCU Health and Safety Rep. DUCU Health and Safety Rep.


Cell motility of tumour and associated cells, the role of the extracellular matrix and cytokines (growth factors) in the control of cell behaviour, signal transduction pathways that affect cell motility, and inhibition of cell motility- with a view to being able understand the control cell migration.

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  • 1st BDS Cell Biology Modules
  • 2nd BDS Development Biology and Dental Tissue Modules
  • BMSc Laboratory Supervisor
  • MRes Supervisor
  • PhD Supervisor

PhD Projects

Principal supervisor

Second supervisor