Dr Dafydd Evans

Associate Staff

Dentistry, School of Dentistry

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Dr Evans graduated from the London Dental Hospital, worked as a General Dental Practitioner and then in the Community Dental Service.  He joined the Children’s Department, Glasgow Dental School, completed higher training in Paediatric Dentistry, and obtained a PhD.  He joined Dundee Dental School in 1995 as Head of Department, Senior Lecturer/Honorary Consultant in Paediatric Dentistry.

Dr Evans has chaired two guidance development groups on prevention and management of dental caries in children (SIGN and SDCEP).  He has been involved in randomised control clinical trials in Primary Care involving restorative materials, Hall crowns and the use of dental lasers.  Current clinical trials he is working on include FiCTION, SIXES, Germany and New Zealand based trials looking at the Hall Technique. His main research interest is developing approaches based on the biological management of dental caries which will be both effective and acceptable to both patients and dentists.


Competitive Research Grants Awarded:

  • 2012 - £27,254 - Higher Education Academy: Motivational interviewing Techniques for Dental Students: Development and assessment of the effectiveness of an educational intervention.
  • 2011 - £10,000 - Queen’s Nursing Institute for Scotland. "Health Visitors’ role in assessing oral health in children: investigating dental neglect thresholds".
  • 2010 - £60,160 - British Orthodontic Society Fund. Co-investigator. "SIXES: Should I eXtract Every SiX? A randomised control trial" To determine whether compensating extraction of maxillary first permanent molars following loss of mandibular first permanent molars in children is of benefit. Further information can be found at www.sixes.org.uk

  • 2008 - £2,869,716 – Collaborator HTA Priority Area: 07/44 Treatment of caries in primary teeth FiCTION - Filling Children's Teeth: Indicated Or Not?

  • 2000 - £145,000 - Principal Investigator, CSO Primary Care Research Training Fellowship £105,000; 3M/ESPE £40,000.
  • 2011 - £600 - Tattersall Scholarship: BMSc student support funds for project entitled, Microleakage quantification and relationship to marginal adaptation of Hall Technique fitted preformed metal crowns in extracted primary molar teeth.
  • 2009 - £1,470 - Tattersall Scholarship: Pump priming funding for Clinical Fellowship application, "Investigation of the feasibility of collection, storage and transportation of carious biofilm samples, followed by extraction of microbial DNA of sufficient quality to allow high throughput metagenomic analysis using Human Oral Microbe Identification microarray".



  • Curriculum developer: Undergraduate Child Dental Health programme, (lecture, lead tutorials, involved in setting and marking written examinations for 3rd, 4th and 5th BDS and lead OSCE for 4th BDS)
  • Clinical supervision and learning support for undergraduates
  • Lead curriculum developer: Caries Aetiology and Prevention


  • Development and delivery of courses on Child Dental Health, Children's Dentistry, Evidence Based Dentistry, Management of the Anxious Child and Cariology to general, specialist and training postgraduate dentists around the UK and abroad (Ireland, Holland, Germany, Australia, New Zealand)
  • E-Den Module Author for module (The Hall Technique) of the dental e-Learning for Healthcare package which is being developed by the Department of Health in partnership with the Professional Bodies and the NHS