Creativity and Self Expression module (PD20056)

Develop an understanding of the importance of creativity and self-expression in a child’s development and learning.

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This module explores the importance and self-expression in a child's development and learning. It will guide you through creating an audit of practice, related to your professional context, to help you recognise the role of the educator in promoting and supporting creativity and self-expression.

Young children show the way they make sense of their world through various forms of expression.

Self-expression can be viewed in various ways, e.g. imaginative play, role play, dance, drawing, painting, and modelling. Through this expression, children show their thought processes, creativity, feelings, and attitudes to learning.

While these processes are fundamental within a child's development, they are sometimes not understood as cognitive capacities which can be supported and developed. Educators need to be equipped with a robust understanding of creativity and how to support it to ensure high-quality experiences for children. 

What you will learn

In this module, you will:

  • learn about the importance of creativity and self-expression for the child and make links to the underpinning developmental theories
  • learn about international educational approaches which empower children to learn through enquiry, expression, imagination, and curiosity
  • recognise and understand your creativity and self-expression and consider how our environment supports or hinders this

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • critically analyse and evaluate information gathered concerning the role of the child, the adult, the learning environment, and resources using relevant literature
  • work collaboratively in leading or supporting a team to carry out an audit of practice within your professional setting
  • engage in professional reflection to identify the way forward for your professional setting in providing balanced and flexible programmes that support creative play and learning opportunities using relevant literature

Assignments / assessment

  • essay with an embedded poster and appendices 2,000 words (100%)
    • includes the creation of a floor plan, focusing on the physical learning environment
    • part 1: discussion of the importance of creativity and self expression 500 words (25%)
    • part 2: discussion of international educational approaches 500 words (25%)
    • part 3: poster form description of audit process; evaluation and way forward 1,000 words (50%)

This module does not have a final exam. 

Teaching methods / timetable

  • online webinars
    • recorded and embedded within the module
  • asynchronous activities
    • e.g. online discussions
  • online self-study content

Students have some flexibility to work through materials at their own pacing, fitting in with work and life commitments.


This module is available on following courses: