Learn about legal services for private clients i.e. wills, estate administration, taxation, and trusts. Develop skills in drafting and interpreting documents
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Module code
The module offers an introduction to the various legal services for private clients. These include:
the drafting of wills and other testamentary documents
the administration of testate and intestate estates
inheritance tax
and assisting adults who might not have the capacity to make some decisions for themselves
What you will learn
In this module you will:
understand the scope of private client legal services
learn the essentials of will drafting, estate administration, inheritance tax, and trusts
develop skills in drafting legal documents and interpreting documents drafted by others
learn effective and clear communication
By the end of this module, you will be able to:
show the knowledge and skills required for private client services
understand the area of private client legal practice. You will also understand the tasks undertaken in this field
communicate clearly, effectively, and empathetically in a way appropriate to your audience
draft and interpret legally effective documents
have knowledge of services performed by private client solicitors
Assignments / assessment
coursework (90%)
professional attributes (10%)
include attendance and participation in tutorials
This module does not have a final exam.
Teaching methods / timetable
This module will be delivered through a combination of lectures and tutorials. The emphasis is on tutorial learning.
Lectures will be used to present information and structure your learning, with some interaction.
Tutorials will allow you to take part in small group work and student-led discussion.