Slavery: History, Memory, Legacy module (HY41057)

Explore the history in relation to Britain and Scotland, how it is (mis)remembered, and its economic, social, and cultural impact today

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This module explores the historical and contemporary significance of Atlantic slavery. You will explore relations between the global and the local: exploring the transnational phenomenon of slavery with reference to its ramifications in Britain and Scotland in particular.

You will gain an understanding of historical debates over slavery, as well as current moves to repair its economic, social, and cultural legacies. As slavery is an emerging field of inquiry, you will participate in the creation of new knowledge and new public histories.

What you will learn

In this module, you will:

  • gain an in-depth knowledge of the history, memory, and legacies of Atlantic slavery with particular, but not sole, reference to Scotland
  • gain informed knowledge of current moves to represent and repair the legacies of slavery in the present
  • analyse how slavery was supported and opposed, and how it has been (under)represented in a variety of forms: historical and imaginative representation, art galleries and museums, commemorations, statues, buildings, and public spaces

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • demonstrate deep understanding about the legacies of slavery and empire in the structures of the modern world
  • critically analyse primary and secondary sources on the topic
  • communicate fresh insights through traditional and creative forms of assessment


  • Blogpost - Dundee Slavery Exhibition (40%)
  • Research Essay (60%)

This module does not have a final exam.

Teaching methods/timetable

  • lectures
  • seminars

There are possible class trips including a walking tour of Edinburgh.