Approaches to Literary and Visual Culture module (HU51001)

Discussion seminars on key thinkers, concepts, and questions in the humanities, reflecting on the implication of these for art practise 

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This is an interdisciplinary 'state of the question' module for taught postgraduate students.

In this module we will focus on key thinkers, concepts, and questions in literary, philosophical, and aesthetic thought from a humanities perspective. We will also reflect on the implication of these for artistic purposes.

You are encouraged to enter into the course with curiosity about potential ways you could re-consider your interests in the light of the discussions we have.

The module encourages exploration, conversation, and critical risk taking!

What you will learn

In this module you will:

  • learn to apply foundational concepts from the humanities to your evolving research or art practice
  • develop the ability to critically examine your research
  • enhance your observational skills and refine creative decision-making processes

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • utilize concepts and questions from the Humanities to orient your practice theoretically
  • discuss the links between theories and practice

Assignments / assessment

  • research essay and abstract/framing statement (100%)
    • we support various essay forms as follows:
      • standard essay 3,500 words
      • innovative/poetic forms 16-18 pages
      • photo-essay 12 pages
      • comics essay 8 pages
      • essay-as-playscript 16-18 pages
      • video-essay 10 minutes
    • The abstract/framing statement for all forms - 300 words

Teaching methods / timetable

  • discussion seminars