Critical Reflection module (CO42001)

Reflect on and celebrate your progress in academia and as a practitioner while on the course. Understand what makes you a competent practitioner

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This module builds on your understanding of reflective practice. This is where you critically assess yourself. It will allow you to reflect on your teaching. It will cement your understanding of Community Education.

It will enable you to explore your professional learning journey over the last four years of study. You will use feedback received from:

  • peers
  • supervisors
  • adviser of studies
  • tutors

The module provides an opportunity for you to reflect. You will reflect on the implications of your learning and practical experiences for your future practice.

You will also be encouraged to make good use of a reflective journal throughout your final year. This will give you the opportunity to capture your regular reflective writing in practice and on campus.

What you will learn

In this module, you will:

  • increase your understanding of reflective theories and processes
  • learn how to analyse, evidence, and reflect on your professional learning journey
  • critically reflect on professional values, principles, and theoretical perspectives
  • apply various forms of feedback in your reflective learning processes

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • show knowledge and understanding of reflective theories and processes
  • discuss and evaluate your professional learning journey
  • utilise feedback from others to discuss your professional learning
  • discuss your understanding of praxis. You will reflect on the relationship between theory and practice within Community Education

Assignments / assessment

  • 3,000-word reflective essay (100%)
    • given in week 1
    • due in week 24
    • 120 hours of effort expected

You will think back over your experiences and learning. You will evaluate your growth and development as a Community Education professional.

This module does not have a final exam.

Teaching methods / timetable

  • lectures (three 2 hour sessions in semester 1 and five 2 hour sessions spread across semester 2)
  • tutorials (one 1 hour group session each week throughout the year)

Typically, the programme of sessions looks like this:

  1. Introduction
  2. Reflective theories and processes
  3. Reviewing your professional learning journey
  4. Using feedback to aid reflection
  5. creative methods and frameworks
  6. Practice-theory relationships
  7. Examples of good practice
  8. Assignment briefing


This module is available on following courses: