
Request a non-standard IT account

Updated on 7 July 2023

Test, third-party, and system accounts are available on request

On this page

You're required to abide by the University’s Regulations and Policies when using your non-standard account. This includes Information Security policies, as you may have access to sensitive University data.

IT manage and distribute non-standard accounts. These give you temporary access to University IT facilities for specific reasons.

Account types and request forms

Test accounts

Available to staff who support IT. If you need access to carry out managed testing, this is the account you should request.

Download test account request form

Third-party accounts

Available to third-party consultants who need access to University systems. If you're not a staff member and need access to carry out the work you're contracted to do, this is the account you should request.

Download third-party account request form

System accounts

Available for systems that need a specific account to operate. For example, systems running scientific or engineering instruments that need an email address.

Download system account request form

How to submit your request

  1. Download the appropriate account request form
  2. Complete the first section (applicant details), outline your account needs, and sign the form
  3. Forward the form with your completed sections to your sponsor (University member of staff responsible for you)
  4. Your sponsor will then:
    Sign and approve your request
    Arrange for the Assistant Director of IT (ISRC) or a delegate (normally the Director or another Assistant Director (Business Services or EUS) of IT) to authorise your request

Where to send your request form

Please ensure you've filled out the form (preferably electronically rather than by hand) in full before submitting your request to IT

Completed request forms should be sent to IT in one of the following ways:

  • Posted to or dropped off at IT Reception, Computing Centre, Park Place, University of Dundee, Dundee, DD1 4HN
  • Scanned and emailed to

Requesting an account extension

If your need for the account extends beyond the period specified in your initial request, please re-submit the form. Indicate you're asking for a renewal of your existing account when you do so.

Getting your account

We'll create your account (subject to approval) and email the username to you, along with a phone number. You'll need to call us to get your password.