
Guide to digitisation

Updated on 7 July 2023

Find out how teaching staff can arrange for book chapters, articles and printed materials to be made available to students through My Dundee.

On this page

The University holds a licence from the Copyright Licensing Agency (CLA) which allows us to photocopy and scan (digitise) material for teaching, subject to certain limitations. 

The Digitisation service deals with scanning of chapters and articles for the purposes of teaching. 

We make requested book chapters, articles, and printed materials available to students via the course online resource list, linked to their MyDundee module, in a text PDF format. Due to the restrictions imposed by the licence, and the reporting requirements of the licence, this service is provided by the Digitisation Service within the LLC.  

Why use it?

  • Encourage students to read more widely 
  • Make materials which are currently only available in print available to a larger number of students      

Who can use it?

Any member of teaching staff with a module in MyDundee, whose students are on credit bearing courses, where the student numbers are recorded in our returns to the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA). This includes UK campus based students, and distance learning students. Students on non-credit bearing courses can be included, provided they are on the annual return which we make to the Copyright Licensing Agency. 

What's covered by the license?

Most material published in the UK (subject to exclusions). Material published in other countries is covered if they have opted in to the scanning component of the licence. There are some publishers who have granted a global mandate, meaning that their work can be copied regardless of where it is published. 

The amounts which can be copied for a course of study are: 

  • One chapter or 10% (from 1st August 2016)  of a published book, whichever is the greater* 
  • If you wish to copy more than one chapter from a book, the CLA run a second extract permission service, where we can request a price for the use of the second chapter (per student per page) 
  • One article from an issue of a journal/periodical, or conference proceedings 
  • One short story or poem - not more than 10 pages in length - from an anthology, 
  • One report of a single case from a published report of judicial proceedings 

Newspapers, printed music, maps, charts & workbooks, workcards & assignment sheets are not covered by the CLA licence. 

If you'd like to check whether or not your book /journal is covered by the licence, enter the ISBN or author/title (ISBN works best) ISSN or journal title in the CLA permissions checker on the CLA front page

How do I request material?

  1. Sign in to resource lists 

  1. Bookmark the item you wish to request digitisation for on your list 

  1. List publishers will see the 'Request Digitisation' link under each bookmarked book/chapter/journal/article 

  1. Click on 'Request Digitisation' and follow the prompts to fill in the form 

What's the advantage? 

  1. Request will automatically be checked for validity under the CLA licence 

  1. PDF will be automatically linked to your list if it's already in the system 

  1. Will appear on your list in your chosen place e.g. in Week 3/ Topic X 

  1. Material will automatically expire at the end of the relevant time period 

For detailed instructions please see the Libguide LLC Digitisation Service and resource lists

Please contact if you have any questions, or need further information. 

What does the Digitisation Service do?

  • We deal with any requests which are 'referred' and can't be automatically processed 
  • Obtain PDFs which aren't in stock 
  • Answer queries & provide support 
  • Send out renewal emails at the end of each time period 

What is expected from you?

  • A published resource list 
  • Requests should be placed using the 'Request Digitisation' link on your resource list 
  • Module code, student numbers, & resource list time period are also required 
  • That digitised readings only form a reasonable proportion of the recommended reading for a module 
  • Requests are only made for students whose numbers are included in annual HESA returns, whether full time, part time or distance learning, or recorded on our ‘Non-credit bearing’ course returns 

Terms of use

To abide by the terms of the Higher Education Licence for UUK/GHE, from the Copyright Licensing Agency (CLA)   

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