
Register on Contractor Tracker if you are a contractor

Updated on 7 July 2023

Find out what you need to do if you are working on campus as a contractor and register on our Contractor Tracker system.

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Register on our Contractor Tracker system

Before you carry out any work on site, you need to register on our Contractor Tracker system.

Once registered you will then be required to request access each time your company needs to visit campus. 

To get access to Contractor Tracker contact either

Sandi Hamilton

+44 (0)1382 384054

Moira Ness

+44 (0)1382 388181

Authority to access site

As a contractor, you will need to sign in on arrival at the Estates and Buildings Office in the Ewing Building, which is in Small’s Lane. Each member of the contractor’s workforce will be issued with an identification badge which must be worn at all times when on University property. Contractors’ staff may be challenged when found in areas of buildings unrelated to their work, and in serious circumstances the contractor may be asked to leave site.

Parking on site

You can get a parking permit for the City Campus from Estates and Buildings. Any vehicles parked on site without permission will be subject to penalties, and multiple breaches of University parking conditions may jeopardise future contract work.


Please exercise consideration and caution on University premises. The City Campus site is busy with pedestrians and other vehicles. You will be subject to disciplinary measures if you speed or behave recklessly.

If you are driving a commercial vehicle, you must only reverse when a second person acts as banksman.

Fire precautions

At the start of any work, our staff will instruct you in fire precautions including emergency evacuation procedures involving fire wardens/marshals for the area you are working in.

You must ensure that all your staff are familiarised with the:

  • sound of the fire alarm
  • means of escape
  • location of fire alarm call points
  • actions to be taken if the fire alarm sounds

Local Fire action information is displayed on blue and white “Fire Action” notices in departments.

If you discover a fire or signs of a fire, you should activate the nearest fire alarm call point then immediately phone the University’s emergency number. +44 (0)1382 384141.

You must ensure that your work and materials do not obstruct any part of fire evacuation route. If in doubt, ask the staff contact in your place of work.

If your work will interrupt or compromise any part of the fire alarm and detection system, you will need a written permit issued by Estates and Buildings staff.

A written permit-to-work must be obtained from Estates and Buildings for all hot work and all conditions in that permit must be complied with.

Permits to work

Certain higher risk activities are subject to control by a permit-to-work system issued by Estates and Buildings staff.


If you need to interrupt or modify any utility or service in University premises, the procedure for this, including the notification of users, must be documented as part of a method statement.


University of Dundee has an asbestos management programme and a detailed asbestos register for all its buildings. Estates and Buildings will notify contractors of all known or suspected asbestos materials in the area of their work. Since the asbestos survey does not cover normally inaccessible areas such as roof voids, contractors must be aware of the possibility of finding suspect materials in the course of their work. 

The procedure to follow if any suspect material is found, or if known encapsulated asbestos material is accidentally damaged, is to:

  1. stop work
  2. withdraw workforce from the area
  3. notify Estates and Buildings immediately
  4. prevent access to the area by anyone else

Research and specialised areas

If you have to enter laboratories or other specialised working areas you will be briefed on any particular precautions that must be observed either by Estates and Buildings or by departmental staff at the location.

Work equipment

University plant and equipment may only be used by prior arrangement with Estates and Buildings.

You must ensure that the work equipment you bring onto the site is properly maintained, fit for purpose, subject to periodic inspection, and clearly identified. The University reserves the right to inspect any equipment brought onto site and to ban its use if it is found to be unsatisfactory.

In particular, clear identification markings and evidence of portable appliance testing is necessary for any electrical equipment brought onto site.


We have strict procedures for control of waste and prior arrangement must be made with Estates and Buildings before any wastes arising from the contract works can be disposed of through University facilities. You are reminded that disposal of Special Waste requires prior notification to SEPA and completion of the 5 part Consignment Note.

Toilets and washing facilities

Where your staff may use existing University facilities these must be maintained in a satisfactory condition and not abused, otherwise you may be told to provide your own separate facilities.

First aid

You must provide adequate first aid materials for your staff, and a trained first aider on larger jobs where numbers of workers and risk assessments indicate such need.  University-trained first aiders are available in most buildings and details of how to contact them are displayed on green and white notices.

Personal protective equipment

You are responsible for ensuring that your staff are provided with, and trained in the use of, appropriate personal protective equipment for the risks that you may encounter. You must also provide adequate facilities for storage and cleaning of PPE within your demarcated works area or off site if appropriate.


Smoking is prohibited in all University buildings.  Evidence of smoking in plant rooms, voids, or contractors’ rest areas within buildings may lead to a contractor being dismissed from the site.


Noisy tasks which are likely to disturb others must be discussed with Estates and Buildings staff in advance and timed to minimise disturbance. 

The use of radios will only be allowed where these cause no disturbance to staff and students.

Additional information

Any queries or concerns should be raised with Estates and Buildings.


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