Gabrielle Loutit

Interior & Environmental Design BDes (Hons)

Reignite the high street is a striking street installation located in Leven high street, inspired by Fife’s lost coal mining industries.


This installation aims to reconnect the people of Levenmouth to their local high street as it has overtime lost its charm through vandalism, business closure and overall neglect from the local council. This installation adds vibrancy and connects itself to the community by providing the answers they looked for in terms of improving the high street in the user engagement task. Reignite the high street has within it; a variety of sheltered and non sheltered seating, a selection of different green spaces and gallery walls to display the work of local artists, as well as vacant space for larger art works such as sculptures and statues.  

The installation sits within an empty space left within the street where three shops once stood but sadly burned down in 2022. Despite the devastation from the fire and the loss of shopping opportunities for the community, the vacant space allowed the chance for a fresh start where the locals can have their say in a new design. The street has potential to create a better relationship with the local community but this improvement may also help to attract new shoppers, improving the streets footfall and creating new potential business opportunities in the remaining vacant stores.

Coal miners strike

A black and white image of Coal miners facing police officers in a stand off in protest against the coal mine closures.

A black and white image of coal miners facing police officers in a stand off in protest against the coal mine closures.

My user engagement task

A picture collage of people taking part in a connect4 game.

I built a wooden connect4 like structure and took it to my chosen site for the local people to vote on what they would like to see in a new and improved high street.

An interior render of my final installation

A rendered interior image of an installation.

This is one of the entrance points to the installation.
