Thomas Hope

Fine Art BA (Hons)

Exploring the human condition through the act of drawing in an attempt to interpret my own fears and desires as well as those of individuals surrounding me.



A series of drawings varying in size produced as a form of personal catharsis or emotional exorcism with the aim of producing work that looks closer at the human condition. Exploring thoughts of personal struggle, mental isolation and drawing from Canus/Kierkegaard's notion of 'absurdity', the philosophical belief that existence itself is absurd and lacks any meaning, in order to create expressive, honest and revealing imagery.


A4 size paper showing a figure drawn in black and white charcoal emerging from a black background with three small gold leaf circles on its torso, with a broken up semi circle of gold behind its head.

Witnessing disbelief

Expressively sketched figure drawn with black and white charcoal and eraser. Figure has elongated rectangular head pointing vertically up the paper. Background of charcoal has been erased messily to produce a marked effect. Two horizontal lines of gold leaf stretch across the bottom half of the piece.


Black and white figure staring directly at the viewer. Depicted from shoulders up with elongated, gold leaf covers lower half of paper except for areas of charcoal, creating illusion of figure shape.
