Kate Hyatt

Fine Art BA (Hons)

My work draws on personal experiences of mental health.


Picture of the artist. A girl with blonde hair and headphones round her neck

My work focuses on themes of mental health and expresses my personal experiences of sexual assault, depression and anxiety, displaying the effects these things have. I choose to create because poor mental health can be incredibly isolating. Emotions are not tangible, they do not have a physical shape, they can feel all-consuming so giving them a form makes them feel more easily managed. It is my hope that someone else might recognise the fear of ‘big emotions’ and be encouraged that they are not alone. I wish to communicate through my treatment of materials, not focussing on the end product, but rather how I feel during the creation process. I handle materials with force and explosive violence, the action represents the intensity of my anger. I find myself creating through destruction, building a piece up to tear it apart again. The end form for a piece may only be shards or ashes. My ‘lo fi’ style reflects my artistic themes. Using found materials became symbolic to me; the pieces of board I used had been discarded, enabling me to use them to express my feelings, left behind in the creative act. My installation is a snapshot of my mind from a time of deep personal pain and struggle. The enclosed space reflects the nature of being stuck in a dark place, where it feels as though there is no escape. The audio element suggests a constant internal monologue and the scripts are parallels to the intrusive thoughts that have been hard to quieten.

This work contains mature content dealing with topics of sexual assault, depression and anxiety. 

You Make My Skin Crawl

This image depicts a landscape rectangular piece of board with a swirling black and red background. Carved into the board is the phrase 'You make My Skin Crawl'.

You Left

A portrait rectangular board reads 'I Will Cut Out What You Left Behind' etched into the background. The words have been scratched out to leave behind the phrase 'You Left'. The piece has also roughly chopped in half and has been put back together on the wall.

I Can't Get This Out

This piece features a deep red textured background as fabric has been put over the board. it reads 'I Can't Get This Out'. Black textured paint is spreads from a hole in the top left corner of the work.

Degree space tour

