Disability Services complaints procedure

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We hope that you will find no cause to complain about Disability Services, including services offered through our regional Access Centre. However, if you are not satisfied with any aspect of our Service, please let us know and we will do our best to resolve your complaint quickly.

For Dundee University students, the University also has a Student Complaints' Procedure which you are entitled to invoke at any stage.

If you have a complaint about Disability Services, please:

  1. Contact the member of Disability Services staff who is immediately responsible for the situation. If you are unsure who that is, please contact one of our Disability Advisers.
  2. Explain your complaint and ask for a specific resolution to it.
  3. If this does not resolve the matter to your satisfaction, please contact the Head of Disability Services by emailing disability@dundee.ac.uk. You should receive a response within 5 working days or as soon as possible thereafter.
  4. If you do not find the reply satisfactory, the Head of Disability Services will advise you of the courses of action, and sources of support, available to you to progress your complaint.

If your complaint does not relate to Disability Services, please contact the relevant School or University Service direct to enable them to respond to your complaint as soon as possible.