
Supernumerary status: information for practice Supervisors/Assessors

Updated on 25 January 2023

Guidance on the supernumerary status of students taking part in practice learning

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Students on the pre-registration nursing programme have supernumerary status for the duration of their programme. This is an NMC requirement. Supernumerary status means students are additional to the practice staffing requirements - students must not be used to fill gaps in the workforce.

While on placement, students are learners. They are expected to participate in the work of the practice area and make a contribution to the service, learning how to care for patients / clients to achieve their learning outcomes and the NMC proficiencies. They should be offered opportunities to take part in a range of activities to meet their learning needs. For example, this may include attending clinics and meetings or having the opportunity to engage with other health and social care professionals.

The Practice Education Facilitator / Care Home Education Facilitator will be able to advise and support you in your role as Practice Supervisor / Practice Assessor to ensure that students are offered appropriate learning experiences to enable them to achieve their outcomes for the placement. If you have concerns about supernumerary status, you should discuss them with the nurse manager or Practice Education Facilitator / Care Home Education Facilitator, involving the Academic Practice Contact where necessary to resolve any concerns you may have.

Corporate information category Nursing placements