How you should report your absence if you are a member of staff and are sick due to illness or injury. Sickness absence reporting and return to work forms.
On this page
The University requires you to report to your manager or nominated person if you are unable to attend work. You should also be aware of and follow any reporting procedures your department has in place.
Day one of your absence
Telephone your manager within one hour of your expected starting time. Only in exceptional circumstances should someone else call on your behalf. If your absence, is or may be, the result of an accident sustained in connections with work then please inform your manager of the details so that an accident report can be completed.
Only if you are unable to make contact with your manager should you contact another staff member. Text messages are not acceptable unless previously agreed.
At the appropriate time, log into the One University System and submit details of your absence, attaching as relevant your completed Self Certification form and/or Fit Note.
In order to ensure the correct policy is used to support your absence and your duties are not overlooked your manager may ask for further information:
the nature of your absence
when you will make contact again
do you need to delegate tasks?
your absence contact details
If you are absent for 3 days, you do not need to fill in a serf-certification form. If you are absent for 4 - 7 days (including Saturday and Sunday), you will need to complete a self-certification form and attach this to your instance of absence in the One University System.
If your absence continues for eight or more calendar days you must obtain a Statement of Fitness to Work (Fit Note) from your doctor and forward to your manager. In the case of absence due to an accident sustained in connection with work, your manager or Safety Services may need to contact you in order to obtain information required to make a statutory report of the accident to HSE.
Keep in touch with your manager on a regular basis. Agree a date when you will make contact again to provide an update of your situation.
Your Fit Note must be current, if you are unable to return to work at the end of the noted expiry date you are required to forward an updated Fit Note to your manager.
Return to work
A confidential discussion will take place with your manager on your return using the return to work form. If your Fit Note is still current you will not be able to return to work.