
Quality and Academic Standards Committee

Updated on 2 February 2023

Information about the remit and membership of the Quality and Academic Standards Committee which is a committee of Senate.

On this page

Further Details can be found on the Quality Framework website.


The principal purpose of the QASC is to provide leadership and make decisions on all areas that relate to quality and academic standards across the University.  The specific areas that fall within the QASC remit are described below.

Remit of the QASC

  1. To make decisions (on behalf of Senate) on the approval of new programmes, the reapproval of existing degree programmes, changes to degree programmes (including the withdrawal or suspension) ), the academic approval and review of collaborative  partnerships, consideration of proposals for the validation  of educational and research provision from bodies without degree awarding powers, the approval of degree regulations and the approval of any exceptions to University academic policies.  The QASC will also provide oversight of certificated non-credit bearing provision.
  2. To be responsible for the development, review and revision of the University’s Quality Framework and to ensure that University policies and practices are aligned with national expectations and local priorities.  It will provide oversight of the approaches to quality and academic standards within the Schools.
  3. To have oversight of external examining for the University.
  4. To have primary responsibility for the development and implementation of University-wide academic policies and regulations, and for providing an appropriate governance framework to support, promote and enhance quality in learning and teaching.
  5. To have responsibility for the monitoring of student progression, retention and achievement and to develop action plans, policies and procedures to promote improvement in these areas.
  6. In order to support fulfilment of this remit QASC delegates the responsibility for decision making as it relates to the University’s research degree programmes to the Postgraduate Research Sub-Committee in the following areas. The approval of research degree programme proposals and their subsequent amendment and withdrawal, accreditations, regulations, policies and the Research Degrees Code of Practice. The QASC also delegates responsibility for quality assurance and enhancement activities, such as annual and periodic programme review and external examination to the Postgraduate Research Sub-Committee. The Postgraduate Research Sub-Committee will provide reports to the QASC on decisions made and actions taken under this delegated authority and may refer points of clarification or contention to QASC for decision if required.

Committee Membership 2022/23

  • The Vice-Principal for Education (Convener)
  • The Director of Quality and Academic Standards
  • School Associate Deans of Quality and Academic Standards
  • The President and the Vice President Academia of DUSA
  • The Director of Registry
  • The Director of Student Recruitment and Admissions
  • Business Transformation representative
  • Global Partnerships representative

In attendance:

  • The Quality and Academic Standards Officers
Corporate information category Senate