
Consumer protection for accommodation

Updated on 10 November 2020

Under the Consumer Protection (Distance Selling) Regulations 2000, we are required to provide you this information before entering an accommodation agreement

On this page

The name of the supplier of your accommodation is The University of Dundee and its address is:

University of Dundee
Residences Office
Enquiry Centre
Campus Green


The service which we will be supplying to you is furnished accommodation. Details of whether the accommodation is single bedroom with ensuite shower and toilet or single bedroom with shared bathroom facilities are set out in the Accommodation Offer information. Also in the Offer of Accommodation is detailed the tenancy period, together with details of the utilities and services included, The price of the accommodation is also set out in the Offer of Accommodation. This price includes all charges for utilities (unless stated otherwise), but not telephone calls or internet support.

The arrangements for payment are set out in the Offer of Accommodation. Details of your accommodation account can be obtained from the University Finance Office.

We will provide you with the accommodation for the weeks shown in the accommodation offer for your allocated accommodation. Please check your contract to make sure you are aware of the exact dates before you make a commitment.

If we have not met you before you enter into your accommodation agreement, you have the right to cancel your contract by giving us written (by email, fax or post) notice within seven working days, beginning on the day after the date the contract becomes binding. This is the date when you have signed and returned your accommodation contract, and it has been checked, signed and dated by the University. Students wishing to receive confirmation of this date should send a pre-paid self-addressed post card (or email address or fax number) when they return their signed contract.

Your right to cancel does not apply once we have started to provide the accommodation to you: after you move in, it is too late to cancel. There is no extra charge for booking your accommodation by post or other means of distance communication.

This offer of accommodation and the price will remain valid until the deadline stated in your offer letter, but after that date the offer of accommodation will automatically lapse if you have not accepted it.

If we have offered you a place in named accommodation we will, of course, aim to locate you there. However, we do not guarantee that the accommodation will be available in all cases and if the accommodation named in any offer we send you is not available at the start of the tenancy period, we will offer you alternative accommodation of equivalent or better quality at the same price.

In addition to your statutory cancellation rights, outlined above, the University will accept cancellations from prospective entrant students (whether we have met you or not) made in writing to:

University of Dundee
The Residences Office
Enquiry Centre
Campus Green


on the following conditions:

  • If you are a prospective entrant student and your cancellation reaches the University at least three weeks before your tenancy is due to start, the University will refund your prepayment/booking fee less £25 administration charge..
  • If you are a prospective entrant student and you do not notify the University that you wish to cancel, but simply fail to turn up at the start of your tenancy, your room will be held until the first Wednesday of the academic year and we will try to contact you during that time. If no contact is made, your room may be re-allocated after this day and the University will keep your booking fee to cover the cost of making and cancelling your booking and loss of rent during the time the room was held for you.
  • If, without cancelling your place, you fail to turn up at the start of the tenancy and we do not re-allocate your room, you will be liable to pay rent until a suitable replacement student is found, but your booking fee will be off-set against the rent you will have to pay.

Your tenancy agreement will be for the full letting period applicable to your allocated accommodation so if, after taking up residence, you wish to leave before the end of the tenancy and you remain a fully matriculated student of the University of Dundee,

  • you will continue to be liable for the rent until a suitable replacement tenant is found, who is not already in University accommodation;
  • the University will charge you £25 administration fee to cover the cost of issuing a new tenancy agreement.
Corporate information category Student accommodation