Athena Swan contacts

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Athena Swan leads within the University

Every School has an Athena Swan lead. To be put in touch with them, please email George Simmonds at

Executive and Steering groups

The Executive group formed in January 2015 and is composed of the various Athena Swan leads at the University of Dundee. The group meets every 8 weeks. Members share good practice, troubleshoot and participate in every stage of the self-assessment process. The Executive group has participated in flexible working training run by Equate Scotland and Inclusive Cultures Workshop

The role of the Steering Group is to review and contribute to the production of institution Athena Swan Charter award applications and keeping the University's Executive Group appraised of progress via regular updates. The group supports the University of Dundee in its goal of gender equality by providing leadership and encouraging the development of initiatives to remove barriers to progress. Additionally, the group monitors progress on, and supports implementation of, the institutional and departmental Athena Swan action plans.

Join us

The University of Dundee Athena Swan team are always looking for further support. If you would like to join your Schools SAT or the University Steering Group, then please get in contact with your appropriate representative.