Researcher development at Talent and Development

Being a researcher can be an intense, challenging and sometimes stressful experience, but the University of Dundee is committed to giving you the support you need to thrive, to hone your professional skills and to build your career.

On this page

About researcher development

The University of Dundee is a signatory of the revised HR Excellence in Research and Researcher Development Concordat - a key multi-stakeholder agreement by UK institutions that aims to ensure that researchers are supported in planning and upskilling for their ongoing careers and are able to work amidst a supportive and inclusive research culture. 

In line with our ambitions in this area, we also continue to hold the HR Excellence in Research Award

You can find out more about how we aim to support our researchers by reading our Researcher Development Policy

To explore what's on offer at the moment from Talent and Development in terms of training and development opportunities check out our workshop programme, self-directed learning, and mentoring pages. 

To get the most out of our workshops, we recommend that you build attendance around a professional development plan. You can find useful guidance on how to do this from Vitae, an organisation dedicated to helping researchers fulfil their potential. Further information on research career planning can be found on the Research Staff SharePoint.
Once you have identified a workshop you would like to attend, you can go to our booking page to secure a place.
If you are a postgraduate researcher, you can find additional learning resources from the Doctoral Academy

Supporting and Developing Research Staff

Support is available to researchers from units across the University of Dundee on SharePoint

Search workshops, make bookings, and manage your account information.