Student blog post
A week in the life of a law student
Published on 11 November 2019 by Rebecca Fletcher
An honest account of a typical week in the life of a law student.
Sometimes I study harder, occasionally I remember to bring a packed lunch to save money, and I’ve been known to go to the gym more. But what follows is an honest account of a typical week in the life of a law student.
8.30: Get off the bus outside uni and buy the world’s biggest veggie haggis roll with chipotle sauce from Super Snack. My body needs fuel for a gruelling library sesh. Get settled at my desk in a quiet area of the library and get to work on a tax essay due tomorrow.
12.00: Treat myself to a break (ha) and go to my human rights lecture.
13.00: Lunch in the union with a friend, talking rubbish and pretending we don’t still have to finish our tax essays before tomorrow. Try not to cry.
14.00: Back at it again in the library.
16.30: Take another break (they are good for your health) to walk down to the library café and buy chocolate. Graft for a couple of hours and then call it a night when my eyes start going square.
20.30: Bus home.
9.00: Back in the library.
11.58: Finish essay and submit to turnitin (just on time) after three hours of pumping adrenalin and sweat. (All law assignments have a noon deadline)
12.02: Run to Dalhousie building for another human rights lecture.
13.00: Melt into a booth in Liar Bar in the union and enjoy a well deserved lunch.
13.45: Walk to Blend coffee shop in town to study in different surroundings. Struggle to fit 3 people’s laptops and multiple tea pots and mugs on one small table and spend the whole time chatting anyway.
16.00: Back to campus for a property lecture.
17.00: Drinks in 172 at the Caird to decompress and de-stress.
9.00: Have a lie in!
11.00: Company law lecture involving lots of case law in the Tower building.
12.00: Lunch at Underdog (vegan fast food). Katsu curry loaded fries – need I say more?
13.00: I should really study but just have to get something in town first.
13.30: Oh look! A sale in H&M!
15.00: Bus home to prep for my property tutorial in comfort.
10.30: Meet a friend for quick catch up about our tutorial.
11.00: Work through an exam style problem question in our property tutorial.
12.00: Grab a coffee at the union.
12.15: Attempt to study but end up chatting and showing each other memes in the Scrymgeour lounge.
13.00: Lunch break.
14.00: Ok this time I have to actually study. Annex myself from the group and work alone.
15.00: Human rights lecture about torture in Darcy Thomson (by far the comfiest lecture theatre on campus).
16.00: Another property lecture in the same room. Don’t have to move: result.
17.00: Head over to ISE (campus gym) for a restorative yoga class.
Scottish mature student in my second year of the Accelerated Scots Law degree